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The future of wound therapy: testing of medical cold plasma brings new hope for patients with chronic wounds

  • Innovative Kaltplasma-Therapie zur Behandlung chronischer Wunden soll bald Teil der Regelversorgung werden
  • Die Unternehmen neoplas med, terraplasma medical und Cinogy System bilden ein Konsortium zur Erprobung der Methode
  • Kaltplasmatherapie bietet die vielversprechende Möglichkeit, die Wundheilung zu beschleunigen und die Lebensqualität dieser Patienten zu steigern

Berlin, 25.09.2023.
In medicine, cold plasma is used to treat chronic and poorly healing wounds. In order for the “young” cold plasma therapy to be reimbursed by health insurance companies soon, neoplas med already submitted an application for testing in April 2021, which was approved by the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) in February 2023.

Now the three leading companies neoplas med GmbH, terraplasma-medical GmbH and Cinogy System GmbH have announced that they are forming a consortium to commission the trial study in the method evaluation procedure of the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA).

In Germany, approximately 900,000 people suffer from chronic and poorly healing wounds. Diabetics or people with wound healing disorders are particularly affected by this. Cold plasma therapy has the potential to sustainably improve wound healing and the quality of life of these patients. The method is already used in many practices and clinics, but is not yet a standard treatment by health insurance companies.

The pioneers of cold plasma medicine in Germany and developers of the most important physical procedures – neoplas med for the jet cold plasma procedure and terraplasma medical and Cinogy for the DBE cold plasma procedure – have joined forces to promote the introduction of cold plasma therapy into standard medical care.

The aim of the trial study, under the scientific direction of Prof. Dr. Dr. Hans-Robert Metelmann (Chairman of the Board of the National Centre for Plasma Medicine) as Chief Medical Investigator, is to provide the scientific and statistical basis for a benefit assessment by the G-BA with its Chairman Professor Hecken. Due to the different wound types to be considered in the study, a high number of participants and a trial duration of several years can be assumed. The consortium is determined to make this successful therapy, which has already been available for several years, accessible to the majority of patients with statutory health insurance in standard care. Cold plasma therapy could thus represent a significant innovation in the health care system and offer many people with chronic wounds new hope for a better quality of life.